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Reiziger in de natuur

The Inner INtelligence Script is designed to transform lives in an unprecedented way. It goes beyond traditional approaches and delves deeper into the essence, resulting in positive changes manifesting in all aspects of life.

Discover a unique approach that combines therapy, hypnosis, and spiritual teachings to effectively address life issues and transform individuals on multiple levels.


This holistic training supports therapists in understanding and transforming their clients' problems, patterns, and beliefs. The technique focuses on the core of the issue, facilitating deep healing and activating inner strength.


By addressing consciousness, subconsciousness, and higher consciousness, work is done on all levels, enabling comprehensive growth and change.

This training is suitable for processing traumatic experiences, facilitating emotional recovery and building trust. Through direct contact with the subconscious mind, unparalleled solutions can be obtained.


By embracing and harmonizing all aspects of the self, individuals experience a sense of inner balance and strength that enriches life.

Discover this exceptionally powerful tool.



Cell: +32 493 71 09 07


Kardinaal Cardijnlaan 68

2547 Lint



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